Number of teams

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Is it just me, or are tournaments with more teams just better?
Like for challengers Ascension, there will only be 6 teams.
Meanwhile EMEA masters will have 60 teams.
I get it that more teams = worse teams will attend, but I think that most of the top teams are pretty even.
examples: Na'Vi, KRU, DRX. all great teams that weren't able to attend because the tournaments are so small
Are tournaments better with more or fewer teams?


honestly a tough question to answer my favorite tourney in valorant was lock in which had the most teams but i also really liked madrid i think there are pros and cons to each like we have never seen a lcq team do well at a champs bc they often arent very competitive with the top teams which leads to boring matches but it does bring extra viewership with that teams fanbase and with smaller tournaments the skill level will be closer across the board which leads to more engaging games but teams with huge viewership pulls will have a much harder time qualifying so idk neither are clearly better than the other

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