demon1 s0m victor

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vic > s0m on raze and neon in pro play
s0m > demon1 on controller
ardiis >= victor on jett
ascent and icebox are the only maps where victor has to play and perform well on jett
therefore, having demon1 in the roster would be a downgrade overall off chemistry loss


argument to be made that demon1 is better at brim and astra, but otherwise sounds right

StalwartTiger_35 [#2]

argument to be made that demon1 is better at brim and astra, but otherwise sounds right

Not really, his brim and Astra were never anything special. He just did the bare minimum util usage that any1 in pro play is capable of then fragged out, what made his Astra and brim good weren't that he was good at the roles but that his mechanics were insane and he was given space to use them

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