Boot camp in LA for a month before the VCT starts and constantly scrim them. Then go back to Pacific to Smurf on everyone
Al-Mawsil [#2]geniunely move hirroron back to sentinel role or kick him
which is imposibble because you have Laz, and kicking out Laz is a definite bad move. Put him and Yuran back to T2. I still have faith in them, they can rebuild their confidence back , get Xdll and one more player.
IonlywatchvcjXD [#3]which is imposibble because you have Laz, and kicking out Laz is a definite bad move. Put him and Yuran back to T2. I still have faith in them, they can rebuild their confidence back , get Xdll and one more player.
laz was good on intitator last season. Well at least i thought that
arin2016 [#5]This is one disadvantage of a top heavy region. Lack of good scrim partners. My premier team beats bl00d in any given day. What is any team going to get from of scrimming with them?
It sucks bc u can only scrim GenG and PRX so much