100frauds (100t)
gold2 (g2)
leviassbot (lev)
duelists (sentinels)
Not Real Gaymers (nrg)
made in br0nzil (mibr)
quiet (loud)
KRUckhead (KRU)
calm (furia ((furia means Fury in italian/brazilian)
benevolent fools(eg)
THravelling home (team heretics)
big booty latinas (bbl)
GiantX (the name is ridicoulus anyways)
Team solid (team liquid)
foot (fut esports)
kok (koi)
karmine corp (i couldnt come up with anything suggest it in the comments)
NaPe (Navi comes from natus vincere (born to win) and in latin Natus Perdere is Born to lose)
team mortality (team vitality)
gangsterM8s (gentleM8s)
tell me if i should even do 0P0C an Ch0na
and suggest better names since i couldnt come up with some of them