Number of champs slots


Shanghai has shown how the entierty of china isshit expect 1 team, emea/apac have 2 good teams at most, and americas is on fire. G2 (not even top 3, can be argued not top 5) got 3rd somehow and 100t got 4th.
Heres what I propose, untill the other regions can step it uo

EMEA-3 Slots (2 for masters 3 for champs)
China-2 slots (1 for masters 2 for champs)
Apac-3 slots (2 for masters 3 for champs)
Americas-8 slots (7 for masters 8 for champs)

Imagine how much better shanghai would have been if the teams were
FPX (china)
TH (emea)
FuT (Emea)
GenG (Pacific)
PRX (Pacific)
100T (americas)
G2 (americas)
Sen (americas)
Kru (amricas)
Loud (americas)
Lev (americas)
Eg (americas)

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