About Cryo and 100T

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I think Cryo is good and his Opping is elite but tbh with the new map pool and duelist buffs, I genuinely think he can’t just get by with being a Jett main anymore. Him not being able to play Raze and other duelists limits 100T imho. Yes, he can play smokes but what else? Not alot of maps tht will be in the next pool can use Brim/Astra. I personally saw Asuna as someone who can flex into any agents needed in their comp but he can’t do this if he has to be their Raze and possibly Neon going forward.

I actually think 100T won’t make Champs this year compared to what many people say. I’m sorry but the most successful teams this year have had their duelists play both Jett and Raze so everyone else can shuffle around their roles.


BRO. what lol cryo has been flexing idek wys

def not his fault

boostio bang and cryo are not going anywhere

verno for eeiu or asuna for someone else way more liekly

chsnvictr [#2]

BRO. what lol cryo has been flexing idek wys

def not his fault

boostio bang and cryo are not going anywhere

verno for eeiu or asuna for someone else way more liekly

He is flexing but it’s not efficient for the team aside from his Brim on Bind. Astra is not meta - maybe if he still kept on playing Omen, there’s an argument. But I’d rather keep Asuna’s Kay/o, Gecko, possible Neon and Breach and Eeiu’s Sova and Fade. Get someone like Jawgemo for both Jett/Raze and the occasional Omen.

And I hate to say this bc I do like 100T and Cryo but when it’s up against high-caliber teams, he doesn’t show up (ex. TH and GenG).


"Yes, he can play smokes but what else?"


Called it, what did I say lol


my goodness bro

100T are WASTING cryo

alsdhflkahflkajsdhlfhsadl [#6]

my goodness bro

100T are WASTING cryo

Cryo is great but he is not flexible. I was expecting another good agent from him since last season but he only has Brim. If you ask me to pick between him and Jawgemo - I would not hesitate to put all my money on Jawgemo.

xcvaryuu [#7]

Cryo is great but he is not flexible. I was expecting another good agent from him since last season but he only has Brim. If you ask me to pick between him and Jawgemo - I would not hesitate to put all my money on Jawgemo.

Jawgemo gaps Cryo since kickoff bro

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