Relegation, the cure of dry leagues?

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Could relegation solve a future problem Valorant might have and could it revive the Tier 2 Scene?

To start off, the likelihood of relegation isn't that far off. If we take a close dive to the previous systems Riot Games has used for its Valorant competitive scene, there is a lot of relegation in tier 2-3.

First, EMEA. All EMEA leagues have relegation features. Usually the bottom 2 teams from each league will be dropped down and forced to play two other teams who have been doing good and trying to get into the league. If the team loses, they are kicked out of the league.

North America has a similar system in their league, and so do many other regions like the Philippines, South America, in fact almost all of the tier 2 competitions have relegation. If tier 2 has relegation, then could it come for tier 1?

Knowing Riot Games, it is possible this might not happen however the pros of this could be enormous. First, we would see a rise in orgs to try their hardest. With the fear of being relegated down and possibly being sent to tier 2 to try all over again, it is an incentive for teams to do as much as possible to remain in tier 1, which means more competition between other orgs. With more competition, us as viewers get better games to watch.

If relegation does happen, it can combat a growing problem that could be lurking in the shadows for the mere future. That problem? A league where it doesn't matter how bad a team is but is always guaranteed to get paid as long as they do the bare minimum. One key example of this problem was shown in a league that most of us might know, The LCS.

The North American LoL region had 10 ‘competitive’ teams at its peak. Problem? Teams like Evil Geniuses, Golden Guardian, Dignitas and even Immortals haven't made any noticeable tournaments in the last few years with ten teams. These orgs sit and do nothing as they know no matter what happens, they'll always exist, and this could be a future problem with the Valorant leagues.

The fear of this happening in Valorant lingers in the background just waiting to get uncovered, however with relegation, this issue can be solved. Valorant leagues are still incredibly young. This is Riot Games second year with franchise teams, and there's only 44 teams in total. Relegation now would be unlikely, but it could happen as soon as we hit 14 teams per league.

By having 14 teams per league, the incentive to keep mixing things up will always be there, which is why relegation could easily be implemented. What's better than seeing only one of your favorite tier 2 teams get promoted? Having three. By having two relegation spots with 14 teams, and still needing to expand the leagues to 16 teams each, you’re giving smaller organizations, teams and players the chance to get into the big leagues. This would also force teams that may have been in the league for all four years to pick up the slack and keep staying on top.

This is just a thought, an idea of the imagination, but what do you guys think about it, what are your thoughts or opinions? I would love to know. For now, this is all I have to share and offer. Goodbye for now, hopefully see you guys next week.


my opinion:



read 1st 2 words, agree relegation good. kick out the bad teams let g2 stay


All the promotion and relegation is just for Ascension, at the end of the day. What VALORANT wants is the opportunity to give the best of the best an opportunity to play in tier 1 among the orgs it's permanently placed there. When franchising became a thing, Riot chose orgs that it believed could keep a sustainable relationship and continue to invest in the esport (cough cough Evil Geniuses), and I don't think I'd be surprised if those orgs don't change for a long time.

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