he cried because he knows how bad his individual level and his calling was, he knows that if he doesnt magically become good overnight his career as a player is almost over, he has said reading what is said online affects him but I think what affects him most is losing and feeling impotent about it thats why he cried and felt so stressed during this whole year, he has never experienced many bad moments as an igl so he isnt used to the frustration of things not working out, sadly for him I think his individual skill is a lost cause and his style as an igl is outdated and not good enough, would be more frustrating if he was doing a good job and they still lost because of small things but his performance and the way he has set up this team is objectively bad so there is no other way than looking at yourself and realizing you werent good enough, personally would feel more frustrated if I lost because of stupid shit while having played better and playing objectively great valorant