I think FNC will be in a great position when Breeze and Split go out for heaven and another map
Haven was always amazing for them, their split is ass and Breeze hasnt been their best map either or at least not as good as their haven was
More plays than a team that's been disbanded for a year is not a flex
Claiming he's a "God" at any point is criminal, claiming he's serviceable is suspect
This guy has been playing since the start of the game, he's been a mid player on a mid team for all but 4 months of it, and now looks like one of the worst players in the league.
ion know man, keep glazing if you want, but this guy is chalked and Fnatic is bad. Not even top 10 itw atp
I meant over Faze's entire existance in valorant. The org has a value of like 50 cent... and the team was never good, at best it was mediocre.
again i'm not saying he is a God, i'm saying he was a world class IGL last year which is a fact since he led FNC to 2 thropies and a pretty good Champs run.
Boaster isn't even my favourite player, i love Alfajer and Leo on FNC.
Even though I'm a FNC supporter, seeing 100T and G2 this year makes me feel no position really matters. NA is crazy strong this year and it almost feels like they have a heavier will to win. Shoutouts to their work ethics. Impressive how players like icy improved.
Still I obviously hope FNC will do well, but seeing Paper Rex today was a bit tough.