It is. Overall power level of abilities has gone down, forcing players and teams to make the most of limited abilities. Jett is so weak compared to what she used to be, and yet today's best jett players still make her look broken. The ever growing agent pool means that comp variability has gone up, forcing teams to adapt more. And even with old comps, people have innovated. GenG's ascent at madrid was the best Ascent we've ever had with the default comp. The level of play at champs and tokyo was higher than madrid, but madrid was definitely higher level than lockin, and I'd argue it was better than any of the 2022 masters. In terms of highest levels of play, I'd say 1 goes to champs 23 and 2 goes to champs 22.
I just thinking shit talking teams on behalf of another team is stupid. That "Navi was mid" thread from earlier was braindead.