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Am i crazy?
I just watch some vod from old icebox
How the hell this map felt like more balance in the old version

Rather than more attacker sided right now



It's been so many month's I have completely forgotten what previous map looked like. Though I want Fracture(maybe not), Haven and Pearl back 😭
I used to wall b site on Haven everytime I picked sage, I used to use stun and blind combo whenever on b site of pearl (breach), and I always used to peak B with chamber (fracture). I miss those days. Hope they add these maps again. It's getting really boring playing on the same maps again and again and again. I don't even care if they don't delete breeze if they add all these maps.

ALoKi007 [#2]

It's been so many month's I have completely forgotten what previous map looked like. Though I want Fracture(maybe not), Haven and Pearl back 😭
I used to wall b site on Haven everytime I picked sage, I used to use stun and blind combo whenever on b site of pearl (breach), and I always used to peak B with chamber (fracture). I miss those days. Hope they add these maps again. It's getting really boring playing on the same maps again and again and again. I don't even care if they don't delete breeze if they add all these maps.

fracture and pearl were so much fun, the current maps are so basic and bland tbh


not sure how long ago you watched, but with the "invention" of the g2 plant icebox was fully attack sided (and that was back in 2022)
so I dont think its the map changes making it attack sided, but rather teams learning how to abuse the bad map design


is it just me that wants every map in the game at the same time but limit a rotation in pro play

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