How will Riot handle too many orgs in EU/NA?

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Regional league? I'm not sure viewership is interested in another franchise league with same orgs over and over, and people comes from a tournaments open circuit (CSGO) so it would be boring for them, also a league can have like 10 teams or around, there are too many orgs there. Current circuit Challengers-Masters-Champions? It's not profitable for tier 2 orgs or even tier 3 orgs, and it would suck if they leave. Open circuit? There is no ESEA tournaments there for example, just NSG and it's not enough for a whole year, also IEM, Blast, etc are all on Europe and that would force them to play in EU that it's the same problem than NA CSGO players have right now, and even if you go for open circuit, some asian scenes would die because all they have is VCT circuit.

I think this is a serious problem and noone it's talking about it.


Maybe if they send some EU and NA organizations to other regions like Korea a league system could be made but I don't think Korea likes to have a league full of european/north american teams. Not to mention that the organizations are the ones that must choose the region and not be forced to change.


I think it will be a 10 team league, a single round robin Bo3 (3 weekends) and then top 8 goes to playoffs (seeded like League) the last 2 drop out and go into a qualifier for next season. they can keep 3 masters + champions like that


like this it would be a franchise + we can keep 4 international LANs. would be super hype and healthy for the scene. I dont think valorant will get franchised in 2022 tho, probably they gonna wait one more year to put china, South asia and ocenia into there. or maybe they start with only NA, japan and Korea at the beginning becuase they seem fairly easy to franchise


The main problem is viewership, LCS loses audience every year because the same thing is always repeated, same players changing teams and same teams changing players.


Yeah but franchise are just way more profitable. The thing is it wouldnt be too repetetive this way. In LCS u play like 9 weekends of leagueplay. How i mentioned it you would have a week to qualify. 3 weekends to play every team once and then a weekend for playoffs/challengers finals. It woudl be more interesting than what they are doing rn. Its annoying watchin those open quals and also not seein the good teams for 3 weeks. I feel like this would be a insane good way to do the games. U stiml have 8 teams in challengers finals and tier 2 teams can still qualify if they get 2nd in opens/closed qualifier. I really hope riot does something like that. Like the teams would always change around a bit

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