IGL/sentinel - FNS controller - s0m initiator - verno flex - n4rrate duelist - oxy
bro really root duelist to oxy kkkkkkk
his ceiling super high, just lacks some gamesense
lowkey hot take, the reason oxy is doing so well is because they put all the resources and everything into him. You won't find HIGH quality teams just only setting up their duelist, Bro would lack in a real team unless he reaches his ceiling.
i dont think so, oxy was frying in t2-t3 as well as on G2. He just has some consistency issues
would love to see FNS leading a team with youngsters and firepower so they dont get guy diffed
FNS shanks inspired eggsterr s0m
shanks washed but ok
swap verno with apoth, som with phat lee, and oxy with shanks.
you would rather have shanks over jawgemo?
i'd rather have d3ff0
is this even a question? shanks beat prime optic easily, shanks is the most talented jett to touch this game (and raze)
Swap oxy with zekken
fuck no
its my dream team, not the best possible team
-eggster - duelist -dasnerth - sentinel -P0PPIN - flex -governor - duelist -ANGE1 - initiator and igl
bumpaah - analyst
No Ethan, no dream team.