Im not factoring everything and I am not some expert schedule person. Could something like the following be possible for Valorant?
Jan 1 - Jan 14: 2 week break
Jan 15 - Feb 28: Regional 1st Split
Mar 1 - Mar 14: 2 week break
Mar 15 - Mar 31: Masters 1
Apr 1- Apr 14: 2 week break
Apr 15 - May 31: Regional 2nd Split
June 1 - 14: 2 week break
June 15 - June 30: Masters 2
July 1 - July 14: 2 week break
July 15 - July 31: LCQ?
July 31-August 14: 2 week break
August 14-August 31: Champions
September-November: Off/Season + Game Changers
December: Kickoff Event? similar to LOCK//IN (all franchising teams)
Regional Splits are 8 Weeks:
The format is the same as 2023 Regional Group Stage (All teams in a region are in the same group and top 6 or top 8 from the group qualify to playoffs
- If there are 12 teams in a region, 67 matches would take place during the group stage if all teams match up against each other - maybe 8-9 matches every week (7 weeks of groups).
- 1 week of playoffs after groups
- 7 weeks of groups + 1 week of playoffs = 8 weeks