Surely Asuna needs the boot?
MourninggStarr [#4]bang has been super underwhelming since the start, i think he needs to be kicked. i think he's a good player but is just too comfortable on 100T . needs a wake up call
I completely agree. I'm not sure what led him to put his pedal off the gas but he hasn't been playing well for quite some time now. Not good looks
Moongayze [#2]He didn't play horribly that last series, but I agree they need more firepower.
brotha having a average game isnt an issue but being average for a long time is... Asuna has been underwhelming for a while. he has one good series then goes unnoticeable next 5
Dybala21 [#8]Asuna out Nismo In
Bang out Zander in
Cryo out Koala inGhost/M80 2.0 💥
Cryo is their only good player