as a drake fan i'm not really dissapointed when he drops mid, i know he is way past his prime as an artist, i'm just looking for cool vibey songs to add in my playlist at this point not a full album experience like in take care, nwts, iyrtitl
I agree, and that's what I would say makes drake so good these days b/c at least he drops often, even if there's only a few standout songs. Drake has 3 projects that clear coles entire discography (the ones you said) and WATTBA also clears everything excluding 2014FHD so I'm gonna change my list a bit.
Lyricism: kdot>>>cole>kanye>drake
Rapping/flow: kdot>cole>kanye>drake
Quality of albums: kdot>kanye>>>drake>=cole
Production: kanye>>>kdot>cole>=drake
Hit-making: drake>>kanye>>cole>=kdot