FNC reactionary drops chronicle at the end of 2024, KOI goes full Polish, KPI gets third in ascension, jamppi goes to cs again, keiko joins Fnatic
Sheydos, Chronicle, Zeddy and B1sk join nAts and not drop a series in 2025
https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/466/valorant-champions-tour-stage-3-masters-berlin -> second highest rated player at event
https://www.vlr.gg/34979/envy-vs-gambit-esports-valorant-champions-tour-stage-3-masters-berlin-gf 1.4 rated in finals
1.11 rated playing 5 diff agents at lockin
https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/1494/champions-tour-2023-masters-tokyo 3rd best rated player at event
cmon son
"dont get me wrong, I am not trying to invalidate Gambit's success, but Chronicle never had a major impact in any game" he played one of most difficult roles in the game and won three trophies never dropping even close a 1.0 rating
"para that invalidates all his achievements"
you said invalidate all his achievements, masters berlin includes his achievements, also he was the best player at that same champs and they 13-0ed TS