its obvious.
yesff [#4]actually i was thinking opposite.Right now Acend is the best EU team and one of the main reason is Cned.This guy is doing this game.
he's human. Sentinels can still win on a Tenz off day. cNed is mad consistent but when he falter a bit, can his team keep up? It's gonna be very interesting to see anyhow.
yesff [#4]actually i was thinking opposite.Right now Acend is the best EU team and one of the main reason is Cned.This guy is doing this game.
almost lost icebox to navi
plebwong [#7]he's human. Sentinels can still win on a Tenz off day. cNed is mad consistent but when he falter a bit, can his team keep up? It's gonna be very interesting to see anyhow.
i said one of the main reason is Cned.Apart from him rest of the players of the team are already high level enough players.But at the end i wanna see Tenz vs Cned.
cauhzi [#9]almost lost icebox to navi
yea and gambit had 3 very close icebox games against navi aswell so?
Nycera [#10]they barely beat guild so i dont think so
so like acend. they barely beat navi too. gambit was more comfortable against navi (total map score 7-0 and no OT)
figaro [#13]so like acend. they barely beat navi too. gambit was more comfortable against navi (total map score 7-0 and no OT)
cned has turkish server crash though so not comparable
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