why sentinels split was so bad

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they just kept doing the 2 same plays the entire attacking side, they either faked b then went a or went through mid to b that was it

then on attack they kept letting metoer or lurk into a ramps so he new everyone would rotate off site and when they finally realised and started stopping it they started winning

obviously bad game for tenz and zekken but still if sentinels want to stay dominant on split they need add more plays and stop faking so much aswell, its so obvious when they do it


GENG just looks better on the map, not much else to say when the scoreline was 13-5. Maybe SEN got too comfortable or something.

skibidiyesyes [#2]

GENG just looks better on the map, not much else to say when the scoreline was 13-5. Maybe SEN got too comfortable or something.

sentinels was just doing the same shit over and over again, idek if its about someone looking better on the map but geng player wise looked better, only johnqt was looking good on sentinels


i feel like the mistakes are fixable, it's not like GENG cracked their split completely imo

jawn [#4]

i feel like the mistakes are fixable, it's not like GENG cracked their split completely imo

thats pretty much what im trying to say

I think they got too cocky and thought they were invincible on that map
I don't understand why they faked so much when they have no sentinel or they could have copied that geng were doing sending one player ramps and seeing as they had no sentinel no one would know

ckzera [#3]

sentinels was just doing the same shit over and over again, idek if its about someone looking better on the map but geng player wise looked better, only johnqt was looking good on sentinels

But I mean, why would SEN just suddenly shut off their brains on their best map then? It's their most played and most comfortable pick yet GENG let them have it for a reason

ckzera [#5]

thats pretty much what im trying to say

I think they got too cocky and thought they were invincible on that map
I don't understand why they faked so much when they have no sentinel or they could have copied that geng were doing sending one player ramps and seeing as they had no sentinel no one would know

they said they were completely off mentally on split from what i saw in their press conference so let's hope for a better performance tmrw

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