PRX are finally cooking


After some shaky losses against GenG and EDG it nice to see PRX return more to form in this most recent match. Especially with that last map of Split. Monyet is a great player, but he isn't a Jinggg replacement. By this I mean just because Jinggg is out and Monyet is in doesn't mean he has to play the Raze. Monyet seems way more comfortable on controller and the team just works better when he is.

On top you have Forsaken. This guy has got to be the best flex player in the world. He played 3 different roles in this series alone. It's been forever since he played raze in a match and he still popped off.

TLDR: I believe the PRX key to success is not looking to Monyet alone to fill the spot Jinggg left behind and letting the players play what is most comfortable to them

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