-Mistic -> + Pancada
-Emil -> +Sliggy
FireII [#2]just kick emil he’s such a fraud
that can save tl
Emil got his chance and he has failed miserably
iplayval [#4]Emil won EMEA last season so I still have hope he’s a good coach. But Sliggy would definitely be an upgrade
sorry but winning EMEA playoffs means NOTHING when youre trash in champs 2022, lockin, tokyo, champs, and 2024
iplayval [#4]Emil won EMEA last season so I still have hope he’s a good coach. But Sliggy would definitely be an upgrade
Fnatic purposefully lost the finals so that they could save their starts for champs
rapiDtheLad [#10]he's been on giants bro
oh lmao i just remembered, then kick mistic and redgar from giants
SanitySP [#6]-redgar
Redgar needs Engh otherwise he is not that strong in leading. Redgar needs a very strong structure in order to shine