How is sen so bad in a map like ascent, everyone knows everything that is to known on this shitty map.
Shawn23 [#3]maybe this is just nrgs best map if theyre picking it lol
not even that,sen's ascent isn't just as good as their other maps
Danny [#8]I'm not even seeing much that's bad from Sen, this is just a masterclass from NRG
Giving B for free every round and failing to retake, not adapting to that.
This is just sen being ass
i feel like sen relies on fraggers too much. if u look at the last map, zekken and tenz carried while nrg made that hella competitive while their top players coming in no where close to 31 kills and 30(zekken and tenz respectfully)
like if u have ur top fraggers dropping 31 and 30 while the other team's top fragger has 22... like u better win by a lot lol.
prob might be overlooking, but based on like recent results, they have good solid strategies but if u have ppl carrying each game, like I do have to wonder how good their strategy are. but I might be more harsh because I want nrg to win