this guy is so vocal, it should be good right
chipi chipi chapa chapa
CHIPI 💥💯🔊 CHIPI👍🥰🤪😋 CHAPA 💗💖🤪😋🔊 CHAPA 💯🥰👌💙 DUBI 🦄✨🧨💗😍 DUBI 😍😍😍🔊💯✨💖💖 DABA 👍💋🔊🤯🎉 DABA 🧨💗💖💖💙 MAGICÒ MÍ 🙋♂️💖💖💗🧨 DUBI 💙💙🎉🎉🦄 DUBI BOOM 🧨💥🧨 BOOM 🧨💥🧨 BOOM 🧨💥🧨 BOOM🧨💥🧨
well, he has the most exp out there lol
He was the second caller in most of his career in CS
Yeah he is, always gathering any informations and tell to the team about his opinions He much discuss about setup and idea with f0rsaken, he sharing the same room while streaming with his brother haha