Immortal Road Map costing $1000+?

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I've seen a couple of their ads in Valorant YouTube videos and decided to take a look. Apparently, you can only buy it if you spend around four figures ($1000-$9999). I doubt you have to pay near the $9,999 mark, but isn't this a little too much just for reaching Immortal 1? What are yall's opinion, and if anyone has actually purchased it, could you tell us how much you spent?


I mean people got to immortal without using shit like this. Getting to immortal shouldn't even be gatekept by services saying "pAY yOuR KidNey aNd WE'lL givE yOU GenErAl adVICE thAT YoU CAn LeaRN jUSt bY PlAYiNg ThE gAmE oR JuSt wATCHing VoDs of prO plAYERS of HigH raNKed PlaYers". Getting to a high rank shouldn't be about paying to receive coaching, it should be about putting in hours to get better aim, or learning specific lineups on agents, or just overall learning how to communicate with your team better. At the end of the day, getting to immortal+ is something completely dependent on you as a person and your commitment to learning and understanding how valorant works as a game.

TL:DR, Nah it ain't worth it, just load up aimlabs and grind 🗿.


legit just grind aim if you really have the time to wanna be immo

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