just curious what you guys think is hardest
If you take AB as a junior then BC as a senior I can see how you would find it easier. Half the material you already know. The transition from pre-calc or trig to actual calculus may be harder than the transition from calculus to... slightly harder calculus. I only ever took BC and found it quite difficult but some of my friends who took AB first found it easy. Then again, they were just way smarter than me too 😹
Literally any of the science and math ones, the social studies and English ones are a genuine joke. Never took any of the art or foreign language ones so I can't speak to their difficulty. Physics C (both exams) and Calc BC are definitely the hardest, heard that Chem is insanely hard but I took Bio (which is really easy). Not really sure how anyone found the history exams difficult, they're just rote memorization mainly so anyone can get a 5 if they study. I guess they can be hard if you find learning history a chore.
Fwiw CSP and CSA were by far the easiest ones, heard that APES is a meme too but I never took it
Yeah, I've always naturally found reading and writing far easier than math. I barely studied for them while crushing them despite failing the BC exam even though it and Physics C were the only ones I genuinely grinded really hard on lol. I graduated in 2020 so I'm having some trouble accessing my collegeboard account but I'm pretty sure I got 5s on both, maybe a 4 on English III. I had incredible teachers for both too, especially my English IV teacher. She was definitely a top 3 teacher in my entire life, she bailed me out so hard after I just stopped turning in my work lol, 2020 COVID year fucked everything for me and I nearly failed all my classes that required HW/Zoom attendance as part of the grade 😬😹
Bro this class is so fucking useless, like the only reason im taking it is because i need a visual art to pass. and i cant take fun shit like ceramics or reg painting cuz no classes r open with my sch. Mf i swear to god if i ever have to anaylze a portrait of mao zedong walking to mines again in my life im ending it.
tbh depends when/how many you take, don't overwork yourself just because your friends are, speaking as a student from a very competitive high school who suffered from extreme burnout both in high school and early college.
i only took three as a result of burnout (and the big C), but my rankings out of the three I took are (hardest to easiest)