VCL Dach

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Definitely the best organizations out of all the EMEA VCLs


Isn't there an open qual tho? It would be funny if Fokus chokes xD

Putting that a side, they're much better org wise than they used to yes. And that is great long term, good orgs retain players in the league and make them become regional which makes the league more competitive. Also Spanish league has some very good orgs this year also I believe, and so does the French one the Turkish and the East, it's kind of a hard debate

Mortadelo [#2]

Isn't there an open qual tho? It would be funny if Fokus chokes xD

Putting that a side, they're much better org wise than they used to yes. And that is great long term, good orgs retain players in the league and make them become regional which makes the league more competitive. Also Spanish league has some very good orgs this year also I believe, and so does the French one the Turkish and the East, it's kind of a hard debate

Yeah but the last two slots will go to Fokus and pne of the smaller orgs that are already in the Closed Qualifier

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