Lets Discuss the best map in the game guys
FilthyAnimal [#10]Ascent cuz im sova main
but tbh even if im losing on that map it feels more fun compared to losing on other maps
yana-banana [#14]I am not sure but we can all agree that Split is the worst one.
I hate Bind more and Breeze as bad as Split tbh, not necessarily cause Breeze has a lot of long angles but if you solo queue and have an uncoordinated team its so easy for the offense or defense to flank you
yana-banana [#14]I am not sure but we can all agree that Split is the worst one.
Split is my favorite map, but I don’t think it’s the best.
yana-banana [#14]I am not sure but we can all agree that Split is the worst one.
Breeze is the worst if its ur first game of the day
yana-banana [#14]I am not sure but we can all agree that Split is the worst one.
For me its:
1) Ascent
2) Haven
3) Icebox
4) Breeze
5) Bind
6) Split
schlong [#16]I hate Bind more and Breeze as bad as Split tbh, not necessarily cause Breeze has a lot of long angles but if you solo queue and have an uncoordinated team its so easy for the offense or defense to flank you
Ye but that doesnt make the map bad, its just bad for comp but comp sucks anyways but its also the best mode
FilthyAnimal [#19]Breeze is the worst if its ur first game of the day
Thats ur fault tho, if you dont feel as good as how you normally are in your first game then you should warm up in DM or against bots before you queue
Stratum7 [#29]Thats ur fault tho, if you dont feel as good as how you normally are in your first game then you should warm up in DM or against bots before you queue
OBv i do that and I still am worse first game of the day compared to my later games
Ascent is the most balanced map and the least "gimmicky"; every map has a gimmick but the doors on ascent don't feel like a gimmick and actually adds a pretty unique (albeit great) variable to the gameplay. It isn't overly CT sided and is just a solid map all around.
I don't understand the love for bind, the teleporters and the shape of the map just sucks. Maybe its just me but I hate that map.
Zaynio [#31]Ascent is the most balanced map and the least "gimmicky"; every map has a gimmick but the doors on ascent don't feel like a gimmick and actually adds a pretty unique (albeit great) variable to the gameplay. It isn't overly CT sided and is just a solid map all around.
I don't understand the love for bind, the teleporters and the shape of the map just sucks. Maybe its just me but I hate that map.
couldnt agree more, Well said.