Can someone please tell me where this fucker is from? I have some business with him
Canada me and him go way back
he's greek
He a brazilian citizen
He’s indian
Indian 🗿🗿
North sentinel island
as you can see by his name, he is from north america and he is a big 100t fan!! sadly 100t are shit at the game so he bandwagoned to fruadntic.
He lives in the netherlands but is ethnically indian
he's from Niteroi-RJ, Brazil📍🇧🇷
pugboy [#2] Canada me and him go way back
he is NOT canadian
WhoseTao [#14] he is NOT canadian
hes indian theres a very real possibility
cartixuzi [#15] hes indian theres a very real possibility
How come
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer [#16] How come
the only city in canada which is toronto is like 99.9% indian, its like a 2nd new delhi