will show you all that GE is a top 3 pacific contendor in Convergence.
you heard it here first 😃
KlystroN [#3]youll come here the day GE will show their true power.
maybe top 4 I think trop 3 is PRX, DRX, Maybe ZETA, T1 Or Bleed ( depending on how they perform against NAVI)
LyCan52 [#8]you are appropriating my culture 🗿
stfu india is father of the world. all countries belong to india BHARAT make BHARAT great again we're going to found new BHARAT on the south pole of the moon. jai hind🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
goofyahh1447 [#10]stfu india is father of the world. all countries belong to india BHARAT make BHARAT great again we're going to found new BHARAT on the south pole of the moon. jai hind🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
number1_cned_hater [#4]maybe top 4 I think trop 3 is PRX, DRX, Maybe ZETA, T1 Or Bleed ( depending on how they perform against NAVI)
prx drx ge bleed t1 zeta descending