Heretics go tier 2 Focus tier 1
chill bro both are tier 5 team
never forget I got downvoted saying that benjy is not t1 when excluding g2 gozen he had a 0.58 rating with 109 acs and went 19-35-4 against fokus and fut
its a bo1 and heretics is a brand new team give them time
fokus definitely has some insane players though, could probably have been on a franchising team
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heretics go to tier 2 fokus stay in tier 2 because they dropped 4 rounds to g2 kkkkkkkkkk
Mortadelo [#5] Like this?
they beat the 🐐 what can we say they deserve T1
I just know if apeks was in franchise would make a lot of these "t1" teams in emea go back to tier 2.