Ask away
do you really like men?
are you straight?
pugboy [#2] do you really like men?
bronzil_enjoyer [#3] are you straight?
do u like killing childern in your free time?
fayde [#5] no
alecksdesk [#6] do u like killing childern in your free time?
yes i love it its my favorite hobby :)
step bro what are you....?
this was the only question that made me laugh LOL
bronzil_enjoyer [#7] damn
thats crazy
who is your favorite user?
pugboy [#11] thats crazy
thats wild
Will BLEED win a trophy in 2024?
bronzil_enjoyer [#13] thats wild
thats insane
pugboy [#15] thats insane
thats demented
bronzil_enjoyer [#16] thats demented
thats psychotic
pugboy [#17] thats psychotic
thats delululu
how old were you when you first committed murder?
blitzz_ [#19] how old were you when you first committed murder?
are you a guy
does 1 + 1 = 2?
what's the first rank you ever got in valorant?
Do you like bleed?
BLEED yay is good for Bleed?