How to open up the AWP(OP) to more agents(omen?).

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What if you gave Omen the ability to right-click a tp(shrowded step), and it worked with some sort of timer, let's say 5 seconds, and at the end of the 5 seconds he TP's to the spot he chose? It would allow another agent class to use the AWP, take fights with it, and provide flexibility with lineups. They could add a glow to omen or some sort of identifier like they did to Jett or chamber's glow. Instead of nerfing Jett even more since she's the main AWP agent, or forcing a chamber for the AWP, or running double duelist, you provide flexibility with lineups.

The TP can be tweaked to work like Yoru's where for that .5 seconds when the TP initiates, if you are shot at you still get hit, or they add a vulnerability debuff so that it's like a high-risk high-reward type of thing?

Just throwing ideas out there. Tough to think how you get an OP in the initiator role hands but thought this was an interesting idea.


the op is open to every agent. vct is not solo q.


riot should make jett jump a flash ability and lengthen her smokes to 15 secs


nivera proved you can still use the OP at a top level on an agent like omen, boostio proved it can be used by someone like KJ so no changes are needed, just need players to realise you dont need a get out of jail card to use the OP

brobeans [#3]

riot should make jett jump a flash ability and lengthen her smokes to 15 secs

I say if jett dashes into somebody they instantly die cuz if a car hit u at 90mph u will die so makes sense

cohnr [#4]

nivera proved you can still use the OP at a top level on an agent like omen, boostio proved it can be used by someone like KJ so no changes are needed, just need players to realise you dont need a get out of jail card to use the OP

+1 kj is very good cuz her turret can take contact n u swing of it... the only defining factor to use the op well is positioning... get out of jail cards are only useful for plays that are outlandish

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