dapr deserves to be in franchising. why is this dude on oxygen? chet you shoulda used yo big head to sign him to be your senti/viper
no oxg wins ascension next year trust
MxS clears
MxM > MxS
dapr was literally terrible during challengers, he deserves a spot even less than wippie does cuz wippie was at least the best sentinel in NA the last time he played sentinel
nah i don't think so because he was going negative in a t3 match with oxg so nahhh
oxg roster kinda fucks ngl, definitely a contender for ascension on paper
OXG vs MXS ascension grand finals
Lol imagine thinking that diaper deserves to be in franchising.. delusional
I was dapr's #1 fan but damn, he's kinda washed.
Still lots of potential if he can come back to form though.