what do we do now
i guess take the bet on zander igl, theres not other igls available who proved themself last year. johnqt taken, valyn got the bag, flyuh went with friendship and team chemistry over franchising, shahzam had a poor last year, steel went to cs, nitro just camed back but burned bridges on 100t mb, saadhak resigned with loud and fns is looking to build not fill. mitch is an option but he does not have the firepower imo. gmd may be an option but i dont know, he seems such a weird player.
as far as igls go, its tough...
Names that come to mind that are free agents are first and foremost FNS, who is prolly the best out of the bunch. Yes he can't frag, yes he wiffs, but he's a top tier leader, can develop talent, knows how to build a roster, and has what feels like a decade of experience. Then there are guys like zander (kind of), depth, ayrin, stellar(who we just dropped), shaz(content creator not on roster), runi, screwface, etc...
Some tier 2 guys that come to mind are hazed, poised, mitch, exalt, etc...
The hope is you can go and get boostio, you can pay fns which probably means cutting bang which really sucks(since he would bring s0m with him), or a flyer on a guy like zander? If sean was with the team i'd have a ton of hope on finding a youngster
ps. i wish vanity was still an option, all you see and hear is good vibes from the guy and he's a proven leader with lan experience. damn