SEN fix

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After the LCQ loss one of the guys said that their comms got really messy in some rounds! Do you guys think it's because of the language barrier?
And if so, Is it worth going into another season hoping that the comms issues will be fixed somehow?
Cz good comms are probably one of the most important factors in becoming a great team!




I agree with good comms make a good team, everybody gets messy. I play 5 stack games a lot, we're all English speakers and it gets messy. Sacy's english is really good and pAncada is getting better every day, I don't think it will be their downfall tho, they might lose some rounds from it, but, I wouldn't chalk up a loss to just comms for them


pick up Kiko

Alexziin [#2]


No really necessary. Chet was saying that a team having bad comms is a sign of the Coach not doing his job good enough. But at the same time I can't blame kaplan fully since two of his players don't speak the language.

doulupa [#3]

I agree with good comms make a good team, everybody gets messy. I play 5 stack games a lot, we're all English speakers and it gets messy. Sacy's english is really good and pAncada is getting better every day, I don't think it will be their downfall tho, they might lose some rounds from it, but, I wouldn't chalk up a loss to just comms for them

Being a decent english speaker doesn't necessarily make one a good commer. You need to know how to comm efficiently, there are teams like Fnatic who have multi national roster but I bet their comms are great cz they have very good synergy. In game, being short and concise is better than using perfect grammer and forming full sentences. They need to be taught that or kaplan needs to bet on local players.

Rey55 [#6]

Being a decent english speaker doesn't necessarily make one a good commer. You need to know how to comm efficiently, there are teams like Fnatic who have multi national roster but I bet their comms are great cz they have very good synergy. In game, being short and concise is better than using perfect grammer and forming full sentences. They need to be taught that or kaplan needs to bet on local players.

FNC always blame their comms when they lose. They fall apart with comms a lot and they've admitted it. I understand what you mean though, but these guys are still pros, and I can imagine they are giving tips to pAncada and Sacy on how to be more efficient when comming in english. Nothing goes harder than Sacy and pAncada speaking Portugese in a 2vX tho, I love seeing that. I also think it's reasonable that they would be teaching some of the English players stuff in Portuguese. I played with with my Vietnamese friends and they taught me 1-5 in Viet so I could comm that for them, just little things that I think they're working on


It's a hard decision imo but i think they are sticking together and I hope it pays off.

doulupa [#7]

FNC always blame their comms when they lose. They fall apart with comms a lot and they've admitted it. I understand what you mean though, but these guys are still pros, and I can imagine they are giving tips to pAncada and Sacy on how to be more efficient when comming in english. Nothing goes harder than Sacy and pAncada speaking Portugese in a 2vX tho, I love seeing that. I also think it's reasonable that they would be teaching some of the English players stuff in Portuguese. I played with with my Vietnamese friends and they taught me 1-5 in Viet so I could comm that for them, just little things that I think they're working on

yeah as I have said comms are the biggest issues in a multi-lingual roster specially they come from a team where they used to comm in a different language. FNC players are way too cracked where they just bail out rounds. Are sacy and pANcada in that level? I don't think so. Them speaking portuguese only goes hard aesthetically form viewer perspective, that too when just watch the comms videos. teaching their teammates few words ain't gonna help much. You are fantasizing with that lmao. Pressure in a high intensity pro match is entirely different than chilling with your mates in ranked

Rey55 [#9]

yeah as I have said comms are the biggest issues in a multi-lingual roster specially they come from a team where they used to comm in a different language. FNC players are way too cracked where they just bail out rounds. Are sacy and pANcada in that level? I don't think so. Them speaking portuguese only goes hard aesthetically form viewer perspective, that too when just watch the comms videos. teaching their teammates few words ain't gonna help much. You are fantasizing with that lmao. Pressure in a high intensity pro match is entirely different than chilling with your mates in ranked

SEN players are cracked too no? FNC have just been together longer. Sacy and pAncada are literally Champs winners lmfao. The Portuguese was just a nice touch in their comm videos. And yes, teaching teammates will help. I think they'll be okay, pAcnada looks way more comfortable with them now and I can believe he's working to be better with his English. I understand they're under pressure, but they are still pros, and I'm able to believe they'd be willing to do whatever it takes to win


bad comms problem sure it's because of the lack of igl, johnqt + happy as coach would be the fix i think

doulupa [#10]

SEN players are cracked too no? FNC have just been together longer. Sacy and pAncada are literally Champs winners lmfao. The Portuguese was just a nice touch in their comm videos. And yes, teaching teammates will help. I think they'll be okay, pAcnada looks way more comfortable with them now and I can believe he's working to be better with his English. I understand they're under pressure, but they are still pros, and I'm able to believe they'd be willing to do whatever it takes to win

they are not on alfajer and chronicle level individually, imma be honest. Also, this game just isn't about shooting. If you don't have good team chem you don't get to shoot fair. I feel like, kaplans coaching style would benefit a full NA roster. Like plug and play cz kaplan doesn't seem like a coach who deals with the players individually.

h1gh_fall [#11]

bad comms problem sure it's because of the lack of igl, johnqt + happy as coach would be the fix i think

They need an assistant/ HC coach who would look after these players personally and would work on their individual problems and mistakes.

Rey55 [#12]

they are not on alfajer and chronicle level individually, imma be honest. Also, this game just isn't about shooting. If you don't have good team chem you don't get to shoot fair. I feel like, kaplans coaching style would benefit a full NA roster. Like plug and play cz kaplan doesn't seem like a coach who deals with the players individually.

chronicle not that cracked lmao, Alfajer is cracked chill on that.

Rey55 [#9]

yeah as I have said comms are the biggest issues in a multi-lingual roster specially they come from a team where they used to comm in a different language. FNC players are way too cracked where they just bail out rounds. Are sacy and pANcada in that level? I don't think so. Them speaking portuguese only goes hard aesthetically form viewer perspective, that too when just watch the comms videos. teaching their teammates few words ain't gonna help much. You are fantasizing with that lmao. Pressure in a high intensity pro match is entirely different than chilling with your mates in ranked

bro watch sacy live, he speaks fluently and can comm without any problem at all, pancada improved a lot and i think the comms got messed sometimes because the team was changing every week and we didn't got an igl or plays for most of the games...


the language problem is just going to get better overtime. all good.

Rey55 [#12]

they are not on alfajer and chronicle level individually, imma be honest. Also, this game just isn't about shooting. If you don't have good team chem you don't get to shoot fair. I feel like, kaplans coaching style would benefit a full NA roster. Like plug and play cz kaplan doesn't seem like a coach who deals with the players individually.

I agree with that. Although they are quite close imo. They also need a proper IGL to unlock them dephh wasn't good, and Marved was first time IGL. I feel like under a proper igl, like JohnQT. Their individual strengths could be unlocked, I agree with what you say about Kaplan, but if we can get a good IGL for Kaplan to work with, it could be smooth sailing. Or not. We won't know unless it happens. We will just have to see, obvs as a SEN fan, I have high hopes for them and want to see them succeed. All we can do is wait and see.

Shawn23 [#14]

chronicle not that cracked lmao, Alfajer is cracked chill on that.

he is more cracked than sacy, wouldn't you agree? Also , chronicle is just the greatest support player. The way he sets his teammates up is next level. sacy is a good player but he wasn't the top 3 player on Loud even. It was aspas, pAncada and less. Also, syyko implied that sacy wasn't his first priority but he really wanted pANcada and they were kind of a package deal and pANcada also need supervision so that he can adapt to a new life and language.

michaelisupset [#16]

the language problem is just going to get better overtime. all good.

Is that risk worth taking tho when there are so many great FAs in NA?

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