good players come [need help]

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im a mid level player (asc 3) that turns into an absolute BOT when i have to trace/track players

when im shooting someone thats not looking at me i literally whiff 9 times out of 10 its horrible. shots an iron player could land

i go to DM to practice tracking heads and its like my mouse is too sensitive for fine adjustments. but my sens is too low already i cant lower it more (.1 at 1600)

i model my playstyle off of players like yay/less (basically ive focused on crosshair placement my entire time) and am really consistent but this one thing triggers me so bad because it feels awful. my stats are fine, like 160 adr with 30% hs but its disgusting how if im in a 1v1 where they start strafing its gg for me

any tracking scenarios on aimlab or kovaaks to recommend would help because i am a lost cause


Go in deathmatches and track peoples heads without shooting them.
Then when u get better tracking, kill enemies purposely aiming away at first


Install AimLab

Play 3x VT Angleshot a day

Its the truth


Also try to really focus on the enemy, sometimes i even squint my eyes just to have perfect vision

It sounds ridiculous but it helps ive even heard this from pro players somewhere

So really just while aiming instead of looking anywhere or autopilot just dead stare at the enemy head and your body should do its own thing

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