What's your job and salary?
I start:
Developer - ML Ops, 34k/ month
michaelisupset [#2]job: billionaire
pay: 12 trillion dollars a month
you should be a comedian im dying here
michaelisupset [#2]job: billionaire
pay: 12 trillion dollars a month
job: billionaire
12 trillion dollars a month
math is not mathing
SEN_brasileiros [#8]Entrepreneur
e-commerce, PLR Products Sales.Varies, 25k-70k USD per month.
Normally I start to earn a lot during Q4 semester on Youtube with some channels, so those final months are around 60-100k
teach me bro
h786 [#11]teach me bro
Brazil diff, since competition here is way less than any developed countries in marketing digital area, if you have more than 2 braincells you can easily farm here, not only in Brazil but in entire South America area.
SEN_brasileiros [#15]Brazil diff, since competition here is way less than any developed countries in marketing digital area, if you have more than 2 braincells you can easily farm here, not only in Brazil but in entire South America area.
are you like a guy who owns multiple accounts and make tiktoks or yt shorts promoting products? didnt fully understand ur 1st message.
h786 [#17]are you like a guy who owns multiple accounts and make tiktoks or yt shorts promoting products? didnt fully understand ur 1st message.
Nah. I own two big Youtube channel.
I sell some products in them, but I also did TikTok to sell products Organically during pandemic too, but Youtube is way better in my opinion because it is basically 100% organic, no need to do some remarketing google ads strategy to increase your incoming at all.
Honestly I've done it all, TikTok, Shorts, Kwai, all these things. But now I mainly focus on these Youtube channels.
h786 [#17]are you like a guy who owns multiple accounts and make tiktoks or yt shorts promoting products? didnt fully understand ur 1st message.
Does that mean this dude dances the cupid dance and trending stuff?
justron40 [#21]discord mod
But there's free mod bots everywhere tho so I don't see why there's a need for an actual mod nowadays
MaTrix96 [#19]Does that mean this dude dances the cupid dance and trending stuff?
Organic TikTok strategy used to do some shit going viral using some weird hooks like "My husband's girlfriend gave me this" and then you're selling some eye product or some shit like that. (I did this during pandemic lol)
But I got annoyed to be needing to reset my iPhone every single time cuz shadowban to be able to growth another brand (creating another account), so I quit. Too much work when Youtube channel pays way more and It's basically on auto mode now.
SEN_brasileiros [#8]Entrepreneur
e-commerce, PLR Products Sales.Varies, 25k-70k USD per month.
Normally I start to earn a lot during Q4 semester on Youtube with some channels, so those final months are around 60-100k
me faz um pix de 50tinha sem cao?
SEN_brasileiros [#18]Nah. I own two big Youtube channel.
I sell some products in them, but I also did TikTok to sell products Organically during pandemic too, but Youtube is way better in my opinion because it is basically 100% organic, no need to do some remarketing google ads strategy to increase your incoming at all.Honestly I've done it all, TikTok, Shorts, Kwai, all these things. But now I mainly focus on these Youtube channels.
excuse me for my illiteracy but do you make reviews or make like a top 10 toasters with links to your ecommerce store, or do you have affiliate links? i assume you would also keep up with trends, do your own voiceovers/edit/scripting too?
or is it just 1 product you sell?
h786 [#27]excuse me for my illiteracy but do you make reviews or make like a top 10 toasters with links to your ecommerce store, or do you have affiliate links? i assume you would also keep up with trends, do your own voiceovers/edit/scripting too?
or is it just 1 product you sell?
I outsource these days, but at started I had to do everything on my own, even recording voice, editing, script, etc.. (Had to ask even my mom to use her voice few times lmao), but since I used to be producer, mixing vocals, etc were easy to me. so I had an easier start.
My e-commerce stores I do not sell to this especially channels, when I need to sell something I created a new store from zero, normally it's one product brand. (At least I do not focus that much on my e-commerce now, but before creating these YT channels It used to be my main money source)
What I earn with Youtube is more ADsense + Newsletter subscription + Course sales (PLR products)
SEN_brasileiros [#18]Nah. I own two big Youtube channel.
I sell some products in them, but I also did TikTok to sell products Organically during pandemic too, but Youtube is way better in my opinion because it is basically 100% organic, no need to do some remarketing google ads strategy to increase your incoming at all.Honestly I've done it all, TikTok, Shorts, Kwai, all these things. But now I mainly focus on these Youtube channels.
whats the youtube
FrenchToast [#26]doctor of pharmacy .
11k per month. y’all are making me rethink my life choices lol.
give tips online, document your journey, make vlogs. dont do it in english since so many people do it. i think i read on VLR that you are in the US. make a video for french people who want to study in the US " day in the life of french student abroad at ___ college studying pharmacy" or whatever. there are free courses online that can get you started on how to edit too.
LyCan52 [#9]job: billionaire
12 trillion dollars a month
math is not mathing
He spends it very fast so never has a trilliob
FrenchToast [#26]doctor of pharmacy .
11k per month. y’all are making me rethink my life choices lol.
doctor of pharmacy is crazy. i did a semester of nursing school and that was enough for me. now im going to get a business degree lol
AvgRossiFan [#42]How many YoE do you have and what company ?
4 yoe
1 year full stack, rest is history
Domination [#46]My sugar daddy gives me 150k/month, and my boyfriend gives me 75k/month, holy shit you guys are so poor
I haven't even mention my OF income🗿
your more than your body king !!
FrenchToast [#26]doctor of pharmacy .
11k per month. y’all are making me rethink my life choices lol.
It's all about negotiation actually. In the corporate world, you have to know the value that you bring and the worth of what you do. I started off below minimum as a developer and after a year I told them I was quitting, I was surprised they doubled my salary and gave me a work from home setup as I requested permanently. Things went off from there. Learn new skills, get new credentials, make sure the skillsets you offer are valuable in a highly competitive industry.
Simp_Chan [#37]Developer/Support- Mainframe, 31K/month
thats cap. so you're earning more than 300k pa just coding...
DwayneJohnson [#52]thats cap. so you're earning more than 300k pa just coding...
Mainframe coding is outdated so im guessing hes migrating old mainframe/cobol systems to modern AWS/ Azure servers. My dad used to be a mainframe engineer specialising in COBOL and then quit for 5 years. Did a AWS course and got a job in 3 months with a similar salary. Alot of old insurance/healthcare firms are still on mainframe architecture so there is a lot demand for that rn. I dont doubt the salary.
Doing acctg internship at a big 4 rn paying me 35 NZD per hour. I literally do nothing apart from attend a few meetings and do presentations. All accounting related stuff I just have to observe. After graduating I dont plan on going to a big 4 unless I want to ride a road to suicide within 2 years.
All big 4 internships are designed in a way that they coddle you and treat you like a princess and after a full time position they start bending you over. Its good for your CV but really bad for social life.
TheHardStuckImmortal [#60]Doing acctg internship at a big 4 rn paying me 35 NZD per hour. I literally do nothing apart from attend a few meetings and do presentations. All accounting related stuff I just have to observe. After graduating I dont plan on going to a big 4 unless I want to ride a road to suicide within 2 years.
All big 4 internships are designed in a way that they coddle you and treat you like a princess and after a full time position they start bending you over. Its good for your CV but really bad for social life.
is that a good starting salary for your cost of living ?
h786 [#61]is that a good starting salary for your cost of living ?
yes people here get by 20-25 an hour very comfortably.
TheHardStuckImmortal [#60]Doing acctg internship at a big 4 rn paying me 35 NZD per hour. I literally do nothing apart from attend a few meetings and do presentations. All accounting related stuff I just have to observe. After graduating I dont plan on going to a big 4 unless I want to ride a road to suicide within 2 years.
All big 4 internships are designed in a way that they coddle you and treat you like a princess and after a full time position they start bending you over. Its good for your CV but really bad for social life.
Go get it lil bro!
TheHardStuckImmortal [#59]Mainframe coding is outdated so im guessing hes migrating old mainframe/cobol systems to modern AWS/ Azure servers. My dad used to be a mainframe engineer specialising in COBOL and then quit for 5 years. Did a AWS course and got a job in 3 months with a similar salary. Alot of old insurance/healthcare firms are still on mainframe architecture so there is a lot demand for that rn. I dont doubt the salary.
Yeah, that makes sense. However, 150k-200k is considered really good pay for a software engineer in NA. Anything over that is fishy but I could be wrong..
michaelisupset [#2]job: billionaire
pay: 12 trillion dollars a month
Go to outerspace and enjoy riding with spaceship X.
SEN_brasileiros [#8]Entrepreneur
e-commerce, PLR Products Sales.Varies, 25k-70k USD per month.
Normally I start to earn a lot during Q4 semester on Youtube with some channels, so those final months are around 60-100k
eai mano, eu queria começar nessa área de marketing digital e, se vc n se importar é claro, ficaria feliz se vc respondesse umas perguntinhas:
DwayneJohnson [#52]thats cap. so you're earning more than 300k pa just coding...
31K INR not USD lol
3cmtotal [#72]eai mano, eu queria começar nessa área de marketing digital e, se vc n se importar é claro, ficaria feliz se vc respondesse umas perguntinhas:
- Vc acha que o mercado já está saturado ou ainda dá pra fazer um dinheirinho?
- Vc consegue saber se um produto vai vender bastante ou isso é só intuição/testes?
cara, 10k por mês até um ameba faz, principalmente com Youtube.
se tu tiver um CPM de uns 2 dol tu só precisa de 1M de views por mês pra ganhar uns 8-10k, visto que no YT os videos são exponenciais, quanto mais video tu for fazendo mais tem chance de estorar + o pessoal assiste mta coisa antiga + vendendo produtos no canal, fazendo lançamento e várias coisas é mto fácil escalar pra uns 30-100k por mês em real.
conheço uma galera enorme que escala 100k por mês só em adsense do yt e são tudo de canal dark tb
marketing digital é mto grande hj em dia, o problema que hj tá um pouco mais sofisticado já que antes tu fazia um trabalho lixo no dropshipping so subia anuncio e fazia um remarketing básico tu já ganhava 10k por mês, agr tu precisa além de fazer isso saber usar ferramentas organicas, shorts, tiktok, várias coisas em conjuntos pra conseguir escalar.
outra coisa, dropshipping que ensinam no BR é furada, já vi mta gente faturando horrores vendendo produto high ticket (produtos caros) que literalmente 0 pessoas ensinam no BR, o mercado é grande, já vi gente faturando mto tb sendo gestor de tráfego para realtor (pessoal q vende ou aluga apartamentos)
cara, o mercado é gigante n existe só a bolha que tu tá acostumado a ouvir falar no youtube de fazer drop de produtinho barato pra bombar, n existe apenas o mercado de PLR, encapsulados, etc.
o esquema é tu ficar bom em anunciar, saber fazer copy e várias coisas, tu literalmente vai pra qualquer mercado, n importa qual seja.
hj em dia qualquer mané besta que tiver coragem em menos de 1 ano tá ganhando 100k mensal, o mercado é simplesmente GIGANTE.
tenho um parça meu trabalha em Dubai e ele faz drop de produto caros pros EUA e o bicho lucra (líquido) coisa de 1 milhão por mês, maioria do pessoal q farma grana n vende cursos.
tu n vai aprender essa parte do mercado procurando no yt pq ngm vai ensinar pra ferrar com a concorrência, só acha um pouco sobre em canais gringos e olhe lá, pela minha experiência quando algum gringo começar a falar sobre uma "nova parte" do marketing digital dps de uns 8 meses a 1 ano é que começa a ser falado no BR, e é falado por aqueles que conseguiraram farmar muito usando o conhecimento durante esse 1 aninho, quando começa a esfriar a área dele dai ele vai e tenta vender curso