They gave up on that french only team fast af
the faster the better
Once m8 got promoted the dream was over.
Apeks choke needs to be studied I’m actually so sad
M8 just played the final very well. They put a lot of emphasis on having fast executes and a lot of solo decision making.
whenever the team people expected to win loses = must be choke.
Oh how much i hate this dumbass thinking
M8 just improved significanntly and won. Thats it
at this point, mistic has to have some curse on his head to not win anything
They should get Kayos and Gray too tbh
shouldve got happy imo, but engh also good
What the fuck is Kc cooking💯💯💯
Hopefully we get to see Engh in 2 weeks KC vs T1 showmatch
Fucking good news !
Wow... 🔥💪