Thoughts on Leddes using his platform to chat up girls as soon as they turn 18? Very predatory, we should ban his tweets from this forum.
sheesherz [#2]thank you loudsimp for your wise words! I agree with your sentiment king 👑.
thank you sheesherz for your contribution to this cause
B1itz [#5]Its really funny how VLR and the subreddit absolutely hate each other but the one single thing we can both agree on is that Leorge Leddes is awful
why do we hate the subreddit?
Simp4S0m [#10]Did he have another controversy
Nope, just offseason started again and I see this creep on my feed all of the time now.
Dentondabest [#14]You guys need to start treating people like people George is a great reporter and a nice guy, there is a reason he is their biggest reporter in valorant
Leorge Leddes alt kkkkkkkkk
Dentondabest [#14]You guys need to start treating people like people George is a great reporter and a nice guy, there is a reason he is their biggest reporter in valorant
cocoluna [#9]why do we hate the subreddit?
I personally dont hate it but people here view them as pretentious and fragile