
Eg fluke win hear me out

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I saved big boy ardiis and this is my story.

You know, I know. We all know that NRG lost to BLG on group stage. Well, truth to be told, and Ardiis if you're here, let's come clean now, enough of hiding the hard cold truth to everyone especially the fans. The reason why NRG lost is because of Ardiis. Why? Well look at this photo, https://twitter.com/Demon1___/status/1696216303319883910?s=19 it's Demon1 standing on the desk right? Well if NRG actually tried; they would win Champs 2023 easily. So if that is the case then Ardiis would be the one standing on top of the desk, but unlike Demon1, Ardiis is not as light as he is and would fall and embarrass himself because he was too heavy, the desk would not be able to support ardiis and would fall and break the desk. Everyone in LA would laugh including famous celebrities such as Elon Musk, Ben Affleck, Karmine_Orgy_Whisper and Tyson Ngo; an embarrassment infront of this kind of a crowd is too embarrassing and would cause Ardiis to get dropped. I knew all of this so I'd already warn Ardiis and NRG about this so they intentionally lost to BLG twice for Ardiis' sake. He also gave me a thank you note that says "Bro, thank you bro, bro I appreciate you so much bro for doing this bro, you saved my life bro, you are my hero bro.


DFM would’ve beaten EG

shrubonfire [#2]

DFM would’ve beaten EG

This is facts


Old GE would 39-0 EG and take champions 2023


I think it had more to do with bagriis trying to contact a judge 5 rounds in a row while viper vulnerabled half the time but this checks out too 🗿


EMEA double agent ungrateful fartiis leaving without even leaving the mandatory thank you note that says “Bro, thank you bro, bro I appreciate you so much bro for doing this bro, you saved my life bro, you are my hero bro.”, ungrateful ass sabotager fraud

giantnutsack12345 [#6]

EMEA double agent ungrateful fartiis leaving without even leaving the mandatory thank you note that says “Bro, thank you bro, bro I appreciate you so much bro for doing this bro, you saved my life bro, you are my hero bro.”, ungrateful ass sabotager fraud

The very short story I'm about to tell you is a secret love story between two tyrants of chamber.

"Oh, Jaccob bro... Touching my headhunter like that stop~" ardiis said, "But I can't help it... My Tour De Force is ready... yay replied. "Then insert that inside my bombsite already ;)" 0////0 yays expession. *The two then kissed eached other briefly while playing with each others "guns" until they both became one like how the two chamber tps turned into one.

Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#7]

The very short story I'm about to tell you is a secret love story between two tyrants of chamber.

"Oh, Jaccob bro... Touching my headhunter like that stop~" ardiis said, "But I can't help it... My Tour De Force is ready... yay replied. "Then insert that inside my bombsite already ;)" 0////0 yays expession. *The two then kissed eached other briefly while playing with each others "guns" until they both became one like how the two chamber tps turned into one.

pls tell me this is bannable can i report this guy


Guy spawns with -10 downvotes on his thread

EternalXera [#9]

Guy spawns with -10 downvotes on his thread

They hated WhispeR because he told them the truth

number1_cned_hater [#8]

pls tell me this is bannable can i report this guy

rent free fatso, downfragging every single post of mine like an actual hater how about do something productive for once like gardening or appreciate my creations, one of the best forms of literacy, something you cant give emphasis on. How about next time think twice before saying shit like this because its actually legit embarassing to see your enormous eyes full of tears begging for my attention you are an actual moron with no ethics and values.

Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#11]

rent free fatso, downfragging every single post of mine like an actual hater how about do something productive for once like gardening or appreciate my creations, one of the best forms of literacy, something you cant give emphasis on. How about next time think twice before saying shit like this because its actually legit embarassing to see your enormous eyes full of tears begging for my attention you are an actual moron with no ethics and values.

i didnt downvote u idiot

number1_cned_hater [#12]

i didnt downvote u idiot

rent free fatso, downfragging every single post of mine like an actual hater how about do something productive for once like gardening or appreciate my creations, one of the best forms of literacy, something you cant give emphasis on. How about next time think twice before saying shit like this because its actually legit embarassing to see your enormous eyes full of tears begging for my attention you are an actual moron with no ethics and values.

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