I live in TX so I only play on the TX server, but I decided to try Illinois for a couple of games, and I was flabbergasted at the difference in the quality of games in low Immortal.
- Texas servers are much more toxic. There is much less comms about strategizing, and more comms trying to be edgy and weird.
- There is usually one player who force buys every round and just runs it down
- Criticism in TX servers is unacceptable. If you criticize someone, prepare to have them throw or personally insult you.
- Overall comms are great. People are actually strategizing and trying to win
- No one is running it down blindly or force buying every round
- There is criticism, but it’s more constructive and the recipient doesn’t take offense
- The average player is more well spoken on Illinois and can articulate more clearly
Basically the average IQ in Illinois is about 50 points higher than TX and it’s just more civilized. It’s truly a breath of fresh air playing on a different server.
Btw, on TX I get 20 ping and on Illinois I get 40 ping. It’s actually impossible trying to hold angles on 40-50 ping.