
Define Woke

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Blud only replied to me insulting him being able to speak only one language 💀💀

Also I'm pretty sure india and nepal are more diverse than canada.
Nepal itself has 123 recognized languages dude.

Just give up. You think the world works like a disney marvel movie or fast and furious. Your brain can't understand systems and how systems affect peoples.


use less 'you' language and more I language. all i see you see doing is telling others what they think. i would expect anyone who thinks that i see the world like a disney movie because i live in canada lives in a state of delusion, which is fine for you, i prefer to live in reality, and in reality i dont 'just give up' because some rando from nepal tries to tell me how i think


Bro I was insulting you. You literally ignored my example of how american political system inspires violence inwards and outwards for money. You started complaining about me making fun of you for only being able to speak english.

Then now you're yapping about me insulting you again. You suck. When you have to deal with real political examples, you completely ignore that. Loser


not readin allat, busy countin this bread rn sorry

thats 1k...

thats 2k...

thats 3k...

thats 4k...

thats 5k...

thats 6k...

, etc.

Wait I just realized you said my parents had a 401k for me with 2k in it LMAOAOAOAOAOOAOAOAO...

That is NOT how a 401k works, thanks for letting me know you have no money, toodles, ggez

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