Fnatic Vs LOUD map Prediction

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Let me know If I am wrong,
I don't think Fnatic will ban Pearl in the 1st ban rather they will go for Ascent Ban as LOUD never picked Pearl as their Map pick rather it has Always Been a decider and LOUD will just perma Ban Fracture.

Fnatic Will either Pick Split or Lotus (both Maps are good for Fnatic but it's more likely to go Split as LOUD already have beaten them on Lotus)

LOUD either gambles to Pick Pearl (20-30% chance ) or will go for Hevan and Play Harbour Viper Comp. Fnatic Have already Played against Harbour Viper on Hevan When they played Furia + they can scrim NRG to get used to Harbour Viper on Hevan .

Fnatic 2nd Ban will be Pearl (if LOUD Doesn't pick Pearl) and LOUD Will most likely be banning Bind (Reason Boaster was the 1st IGL to run triple controller on Bind and He knows how to play against it )

Fnatic Bans Ascent
LOUD Bans Fracture
Fnatic Picks Split/ Lotus
LOUD picks Hevan
Fnatic Bans Pearl
LOUD ban Bind
Lotus/Split Decider


I don't think Fnatic will ban Pearl in the 1st ban rather they will go for Ascent Ban as LOUD never picked Pearl as their Map pick rather it has Always Been a decider and LOUD will just perma Ban Fracture.

good thought, it may or may not happen. last time they showed breeze in their map pool coz of a loss to 100t. can be really likely they dont insta ban pearl against them.

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