Derke crticism (there is none)

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He has the highest FKPR in this whole tournament(0.24), He still is one of the best duelists. If they use him properly (I don’t think they are imo, they aren’t relying on him as much to frag out since other teammates are carrying their weight. )U forgot icebox 3-11?


I'm hearing drop boaster


his comeback on the second half after like a 3k first half shows why he is the goat. he has not been performing to his level at LA yet, but he'll do what needs to be done


but he also has one the highest FDPR, he is barely even positive in terms on first kills to first deaths. The part you are going on about another tournament which is irrelevant to this one.

Zerphyr1 [#4]

but he also has one the highest FDPR, he is barely even positive in terms on first kills to first deaths. The part you are going on about another tournament which is irrelevant to this one.

But highest FDPR( not really he is 0.19 after tenn, laz, sayf) is part and parcel why he is reliable for fnatic. They need him to get FK’s and he does.

h786 [#5]

But highest FDPR( not really he is 0.19 after tenn, laz, sayf) is part and parcel why he is reliable for fnatic. They need him to get FK’s and he does.

but when he also dies first that doesn't really matter as much. first deaths are just as important as first kills. a top duelist should have almost 2x more first kills to first deaths

Zerphyr1 [#6]

but when he also dies first that doesn't really matter as much. first deaths are just as important as first kills. a top duelist should have almost 2x more first kills to first deaths

This just isn’t true. Again, I mentioned that his currently playstyle is due to his team playing a certain way, and it is not due to him being bad. He is meant to be the first in, if he played conservatively he would get more kills but it would defeat his purpose.

A duelist dying first isn’t as bad as (smoke,igl, initiator dying first) they have more utility, and therefore, his FKPR rate is more important than his FD rate ( which is still very impressive compared to his Fk rate)

h786 [#7]

This just isn’t true. Again, I mentioned that his currently playstyle is due to his team playing a certain way, and it is not due to him being bad. He is meant to be the first in, if he played conservatively he would get more kills but it would defeat his purpose.

A duelist dying first isn’t as bad as (smoke,igl, initiator dying first) they have more utility, and therefore, his FKPR rate is more important than his FD rate ( which is still very impressive compared to his Fk rate)

ok now I know ur just a fan boy or your baiting. 0/8

Zerphyr1 [#8]

ok now I know ur just a fan boy or your baiting. 0/8

Thanks for the constructive criticism. Also practically no one except keznit has 2:1 ratio of FK to FD

h786 [#7]

This just isn’t true. Again, I mentioned that his currently playstyle is due to his team playing a certain way, and it is not due to him being bad. He is meant to be the first in, if he played conservatively he would get more kills but it would defeat his purpose.

A duelist dying first isn’t as bad as (smoke,igl, initiator dying first) they have more utility, and therefore, his FKPR rate is more important than his FD rate ( which is still very impressive compared to his Fk rate)

well ideally you'd want a duelist that can get first kills and live

keznit, aspas and saya all have comparable fkpr and substancially lower fdpr, thats why they have more impact on the team than derke and why derke looks like more of a team-reliant duelist than the other three i mentioned

bobkiller [#10]

well ideally you'd want a duelist that can get first kills and live

keznit, aspas and saya all have comparable fkpr and substancially lower fdpr, thats why they have more impact on the team than derke and why derke looks like more of a team-reliant duelist than the other three i mentioned

Yes I agree that these players are utilised by their teams well. And this is not the case for fnatic and derke imo. (The point of the post)

h786 [#9]

Thanks for the constructive criticism. Also practically no one except keznit has 2:1 ratio of FK to FD


h786 [#11]

Yes I agree that these players are utilised by their teams well. And this is not the case for fnatic and derke imo. (The point of the post)



derke had a stinker u cannot play that bad against loud

Zerphyr1 [#6]

but when he also dies first that doesn't really matter as much. first deaths are just as important as first kills. a top duelist should have almost 2x more first kills to first deaths

That is an absurd expectation.

Not counting support players who have pretty few FKPR (specifically D4v4i, Chronicle, Suygetsu, C0m, Boaster), there are only two players at this tournament who reach this quota: Keznit and Sayaplayer. Keznit played two series, Saya three.

Among the playoffs players who have at least 0.10 FKPR, the best FK:FD ratios are (possibly with slight rounding errors)

Boaster: 2.2
Alfajer: 1.875
Aspas: 1.72
Demon1: 1.7

Nobody else is even above 1.5. According to your expectations, the only good duelists in this tournament are Saya, Keznit (and Boaster? Haha)

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