I want to see how creative VLR is.
Agent that steals enemies other agents ultimate's. The Agent can only use his ultimate when the enemy team has one. They can only steal the ultimate if the enemy team didn't use it before they did. Stealing a ultimate though doesn't reset enemies ult progress.
Imagine your team getting ready to KJ ult and enemy team sova has their ult. You steal Sova's ult so if he pops it to destroy ur kj ult, The agent uses the stolen sova ult to kill the sova.
LyCan52 [#7]last time I said a agent who has a hook everyone downvoted me then we got deadlock 🗿
shittier blitzcrank
SexualTeacher [#11]grenade aoe healing, sleeping dart, skill like astra map that allow u to get vision in that area for 5s, fire raining, hook, RIOT u can hire me!
another healer would be hella dope
extan [#12]another healer would be hella dope
imagine this hero, grenade aoe healing, grenade extra shield for allies, sleeping dart, ult = all team invunerable like Zenyatta
extan [#13]Riot have lowkey pulled a lot of ideas already from Apex but something like a gravity controlling agent would be lit
a duellist that has a drill like mad maggie's would be pretty cool imo. sure we have aftershock but that's more of a proactive than a reactive ability