why are people surprised boostio is getting hate??

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the guy has been competing in professional esports across OW and Val for almost 6 years and his crowing achievement in that time is coming 2nd to fnatic a single time after 2 years of mediocrity, ofc hes gonna get shit on for running his mouth, bro has achieved the same amount of professional success as magnum and doma.

after achieving his crown jewel of being a post-it note in fnatic's story he has opted to exclusively punch down, being dead silent to teams with the level of experience and instead exclusively targeting low seed teams and a region that got the game a month ago. ofc its hes gonna get shit on for being so loud on camera but as silent as a whimper in the server for 6 years straight.


He talks shit to every team they play lol, he talked shit against DRX too in the post game interview. He doesn’t only punch down


back then DRX was in a slump it was punching down


No I mean they did this event, he said in the post game interview today that their game against DRX will be easy


so weird that people actually supporting toxic culture for the scene. there's the difference between banter and being disrespectful.


there is no line between banter and disrespect, unless you are witty and smart about it. there are some people who just know how to do it, either you have it or you dont, and people who dont have it need to curate and limit test before using it on the real world. imo, Muhammad Ali was the best to do it, and was loved by mostly everyone, he was quick witted and humorous , always ready.


there's this thing called Physiognomy you can tell if people actually mean it or not just based on the gesture. its an actual science and ofc you can differentiate it.


While you're technically correct with almost everything you're saying... this is kinda bs:

a region that got the game a month ago

Chinese Valorant has been played at pro level since 2020 (on the Korean client), they were just not invited to official Riot tournaments until 2022. Heck, KangKang has been playing at pro level before some of the EG players have. https://www.vlr.gg/3006/vision-strikers-vs-royal-never-give-up-douyu-bie-zhuang-cup-season-1-playoffs-usf


theyve had the game but the region hasnt, they havent been able to attend a tier 1 competition for 2 years, half the region cant just "play on korean servers" and get valuable experience since shanghai is like 250 ping to korea, thats not including the fact practice and mickeymouse's arent a crumb of the valuable experience that NA has gotten for example. the sentiment is the same, as a region they are a newborn.


they literally participated in LCQ and Champs 2022.... how's that a month ago? This argument of "they got the game a month ago" makes no sense, you know and I know it... it just sounded good for your narrative


take out "region that got the game a month ago" and replace it with "region thats been underdeveloped in FPS forever, has virtually no presence from experienced veterans to be IGLs and coaches, had no support and couldnt attend more international events than events they have attended to this day, have had no ability to play on less than 200 ping for half the region and where talent development has been hampered by the fact that they literally had to vpn to play the game", the latter was really just an microcosmic example to show the lack of experience the region has as a whole.


region thats been underdeveloped in FPS forever

You don't really know the history of FPS in China it seems... they had a good developed scene in the 2000s (during cs 1.5 and 1.6 era), they even hosted some huge events (eg: world cyber games, etc), on top of having some nutty teams & players (eg: Jungle, Savage, Alex, etc via wNv, tyloo, etc), this is the same era that gave Korea their best players, IGLs, coaches and teams (eg: glow, termi, solo, bail, etc via Lunatic-hai, projectKR, eSTRO, WeMadeFox, etc). They were actually viewed on a similar level with korean teams during the mid-late 2000s. That changed once the current political regime in China changed their attitude towards FPS games, and majority of players had to quit or switch to the secluded Chinese version of CS (counter-strike: online) or later CrossFire. That's when it started going down, not because it was underdeveloped, quite the contrary, FPS was huge in China. The problem is that until Valorant came out, there weren't many FPS games in the mid-late 2010s that would gotten approval by the Chinese gov.

You gotta google better next time before making such statements. I don't need to, I've lived through all of that quite closely, I actually know how it was.


boostio is inspiration


For someone that doesn't seem to like boostio much it seems you've been following his life pretty closely


your biggest haters will always be the closest ones to make your biography, hate moves more people than love sadly and boostio a clever guy because he abusing it to get views on a business which runs based on this.


if one google is following a life closely what do u define jumping from thread to thread to defend your favourite pc gamer pro team who you only like because they happen to be born on the same dirt as you and happen to be doing well as u hop on the bandwagon for a team of players no one gave a shit about for 2 years? something about a pot and a kettle no?


stop crying man


after achieving his crown jewel of being a post-it note in fnatic's story

this single line alone is enough to make boostio cry and shit his pants, maybe cum even

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