stop being racist right meow😡😡
english not my first language
thought u identify as a cat lmfao
I thrive off racing🏎️🏎️🏎️😎
nah this nascar race was a banger
nascar? more like NOscar!!! 😂😂🤣🤣
should've said nya~ , gives more personality
nya~ 一ニ三, nya~ ありがとう
eu sleeping, who will come
Look at his flag
dont get it
He’s African and he came to the post(🤨)
still dont get it and dont need to
i am a fake flagger anyway
I was banned for saying "Turks GC has chance if Alfajer become trans"
Is it counted as racists? dont think so
you really dont think your name was the issue? 💀
what the fuck
life is a race and i am a racer
-bronzil_enjoyer tzu the art of valorant