what do i do, its about the size of my fist (big hands)
run and never go back
eat it
Kill it
Let it bite you
Chance you might turn into spiderman
didnt end well, got a huge bump on my ass cheek
Burn the house down
leave bro alone it wont do shit
spiders are the goat insect (basically insect) fr
Dragon Flies >>
bro you know what, its scary but i know it deserves to live, im trying to throw him out the window, will it survive? i think a plastic cup is too small for it.
based. it will probably live spiders are too light to take fall damage usually
use the ardis copy pasta
Let it bite you, free ticket to spider-verse
let it bite you and you can become spiderman...
Throw a shoe at it
if a glass is too small get a tupperware put tupperware over spider slide piece of paper underneath throw outside
it disappeared away by the time i checked back... idk where it is.. time to airbnb my house for a few weeks.
Never back down