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just as there's a diff between faceit and pros in cs, there's a diff in radiant and a pro.

You have 0 clue abt depth in pro play in val, coaches try to constantly bring up new comps, combinations of mixing agents utility( sage ult and brims ult etc,) anti strating specific timings of rotations( watch fnc haven boasters lurk), fnatic's insane setups and more

Lets see the depth in cs, the same old 5 strats in dust 2?, what can u even bring anything new to cs. U cant deny all the permuations which u can do in valorant considering the agents and u may think only certain agents are viable in certain maps, its false coz if u are a super nerd u can make any comp work.

The meta always shifts bcoz of the updates u can bring to val and teams are in a flux of trying it out themselves and with pro teams.
All of these makes the game more exhilarating and the possibilities are endless in val which makes it tactically superior to cs.


Then how come the game is dominated by ex tier800 garbage teams and players from CS? Literally the whole pro scene in valorant is washed up players who weren't good enough, as well as washed up coaches.

You don't know what depth is, clearly. Depth is created by the pro scene, not by the devs. And as of now, the pro scene is an embarrassment.


lmao everyone and their grandmas know which agents are good on which maps

this isn't statistics where you have A agents and B maps you have A choose 5 agents or whatever retard stat you're trying to pull

you MUST have viper on icebox and breeze

you MUST have sova/skye every map

you MUST run jett MOST maps


there's not many possibilities at the end of the day because pros will just use whatever agents best on a map, and in Valorant that's extremely easy to figure out

also ON TOP of that most agents are dumbed down versions of nade/flashbang/smokes which makes them have even less depth

just by judging off of your "there's agents and abilities in Valorant" i can tell you're not a very good player, because most pros and top ranked players know even on utilities side it's even easier than CS xD


hmm so u most know what coaches and analyst do in their prac hours. Its not just you but most wont knows it bcoz they dont watch coaches stream. They experiment with quite a bit stuff like double triple initaor comps, 0 smokers, 3 duelists and so on, There are so many things which they put it out on paper looks good and test it in scrim box. Hours of vod reviewing, anti strating and goes on in which shows there sure is depth in the game which u cant deny
u r ASSUMING things which i haven't said and confusing it with terms like utility usage and strat calling. ik for a fact that cs is much harder both pro play and ranked and i never said it wasnt.
My arguments whole premise was that u make it seem like val is all roses and diamonds where u hop into a pro scene's match and thats it.
Edit: im referring to EU teams

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