just as there's a diff between faceit and pros in cs, there's a diff in radiant and a pro.
You have 0 clue abt depth in pro play in val, coaches try to constantly bring up new comps, combinations of mixing agents utility( sage ult and brims ult etc,) anti strating specific timings of rotations( watch fnc haven boasters lurk), fnatic's insane setups and more
Lets see the depth in cs, the same old 5 strats in dust 2?, what can u even bring anything new to cs. U cant deny all the permuations which u can do in valorant considering the agents and u may think only certain agents are viable in certain maps, its false coz if u are a super nerd u can make any comp work.
The meta always shifts bcoz of the updates u can bring to val and teams are in a flux of trying it out themselves and with pro teams.
All of these makes the game more exhilarating and the possibilities are endless in val which makes it tactically superior to cs.