the trashtalking is starting to become too much. They should do it less frequently just as a way to have fun, talking shit constantly is just annoying
nutab1e [#4]change flair den
I could never, I've supported them since I started using this site. Still love their gameplay, just feel like this new personality is slightly forced
nutab1e [#4]change flair den
I could never, I've supported them since I started using this site. Still love their gameplay, just feel like this new personality is slightly forced
love_trial [#6]it wasn't forced, the question at the press conference was super random and leading, boostio just responded as such to make it entertaining
literally the same thing as scream's "predictable" people got upset back then too, it's all for entertainment
this forum has a hate boner for NA at the moment so you will downvoted into oblivion for no reason.I don't think these guys have even watched the press-con. Demon1 was hilarious
Yessirskiiii [#2]It was random and forced against the worst team in the tourney (FPX) but in general it's good and i hope they keep it up
better than taking pity on them saying "they did well, it was tough" when it wasn't
StoneRosesBestUKBand [#8]I could never, I've supported them since I started using this site. Still love their gameplay, just feel like this new personality is slightly forced
It definitely feels like some kind of org policy that the players and coach were told to follow.